I was diagnosed with colon cancer in September 2021.When I received this diagnosis, I admit I was initially shaken. However, I held onto hope that the standard medical treatments available in the Netherlands would be effective.
Despite undergoing chemotherapy and weekly hypothermia sessions, the cancer persisted, spreading to my lungs and showing new tumours in my liver.
It was during this time of searching for alternatives that I stumbled upon Dendritic Cell Therapy (DCT). All traditional therapies had failed me, prompting me to explore options beyond the Netherlands’ medical landscape. Despite my initial lack of knowledge about DCT, I was intrigued by its potential to offer a new approach to my treatment.
I first learned about Immunyo through extensive research online. Their approach to therapy seemed promising, and I felt compelled to explore this option further.
From the moment I reached out to Immunyo, I was met with exceptional support and communication. Their team was quick to respond to my inquiries and made the entire process—from blood draws to injections—seamless and efficient.
Now, one week after undergoing DCT, I am pleased to report that I am experiencing no side effects, and my overall well-being remains unchanged. I am eagerly awaiting my next CT scan in three months to assess the therapy’s effectiveness further.
Reflecting on my journey, I’ve also come to realize the importance of considering lifestyle factors such as nutrition when facing a cancer diagnosis. I’ve made conscious efforts to adjust my diet, focusing on eliminating sugar and reducing meat consumption, which I believe has positively contributed to my overall health.
To fellow cancer patients who may be feeling discouraged or overwhelmed in their own journey, I offer this advice: look beyond the therapies available domestically. Be proactive in researching and exploring alternative options that may hold promise for your specific situation.
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Immunyo Ltd
Kincora Ave 35
Dublin 3
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